Final Course Prototype – Arts Education 7: Drama

Hello EC&I 834 colleagues! Our course prototype was co-designed with my colleague Meagan McLellan and is based on the Saskatchewan Grade 7 Drama Outcomes.   In our blended and synchronous course, grade 7 students will learn about the elements of radio plays, how to create soundscapes, and how to use Foley sounds to create soundContinue reading “Final Course Prototype – Arts Education 7: Drama”

Course Prototype – Reflection to Feedback: Accessibility

Meagan and I continue our course prototype work toward our Arts Education lesson for our Grade 7 class, which ultimately involves having our students create a radio play. Our course prototype design combines in-class instruction with digital components constructed with Lumi to contribute to an engaging and interactive introductory digital lesson for our students. WeContinue reading “Course Prototype – Reflection to Feedback: Accessibility”

Course Prototype – LUMI!

Meagan and I worked together to create introductory lessons for our blended course prototype. For our prototype, Meagan and I are having our students create a radio play. Our prototype design combines in-class instruction with digital components, and Lumi was used as a tool to contribute to an engaging and interactive introductory digital lesson forContinue reading “Course Prototype – LUMI!”

Course Prototype – Community in Online Learning: Guidelines

For our prototype, Meagan and I are having our students create a radio play. Drama can be a subject that takes many students out of their comfort zone; therefore, doing so in a blended learning environment can meet the needs of many students. Our design is a mix of in class instruction with digital componentsContinue reading “Course Prototype – Community in Online Learning: Guidelines”

Course Profile – A.D.D.I.E. by Meagan M. and Arkin K.

This course was co-designed with my colleague Mrs. Meagan McLellan! You can find her blog here! Teaching middle school drama is tough. A quarter LOVE it, a quarter REALLY dislike it, and the rest are going through the motions and counting the days until we are back to painting or drawing. It is not unusualContinue reading “Course Profile – A.D.D.I.E. by Meagan M. and Arkin K.”

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